

The LOTR Movie Site
November 13, 1999

Arwen Role Enlarged? Sure, Under Tolkien Premises
Salva Tomas

I've read that Tolkien books are not perfect. I've read that female
roles in his books are neglected. I've read those arguments to support the expansion of Arwen role in the film, and I think I've read enough.

I agree, folks, that Tolkien books are not perfect. Since Tolkien was human, they can be improved. But not you and me, neither Peter Jackson and the guys that work with him are qualified to do it, I think. And not, of course, in a so obvious way. The books of tolkien can be not perfect, but NOT because they neglect female roles, neither because Arwen looks like a little an unimportant part of the history. People that thinks that has not got the point of the story, or are not enough careful readers. Like other people, I've been reading LOTR for years and years, and I know what I am talking about.

But, in some way, I agree about to enlarge Arwen role in the film. I think could be necessary due to the difference between film and book: obviously, in a book there is much more space to explain thinks than in film. I agree in expanding Arwen's role in the way Tolkien himself expanded it: And it is not other but the history or Aragorn an Arwen explained in the appendix.

I read somewhere that because the first book has less action than the others, the first film will include flashbacks of the Numenorean history and the origin of the rings and the war with Sauron. This is the way to enlarge the Aragorn-Arwen romance: flashbacks to the appendix, and  no other. Any modification including "warrior princess" or similar will transform a wonderful tale in a role-game module, a Dungeons and Dragons or Dragonlance story, maybe commercial, but without any artistical value.