The LOTR Movie Site
December 17, 2000

Enough of My Orc, Your Orc

Of course he can't make orcs exactly as they are that is part of the challenge of movie making and imagination... if i ever asked somone who had never seen an goblin what it looked like they would probably think of halloween and goblins and ghouls. but get real just cause he makes orcs not the way u see them doesn't mean they are 'not real' who knows what an orc looks like..... no one. so i say who cares if its not what u imagined most of the time from the begining of the book i get a picture of each character however i want them to look most of the time other people see them totally differently. so when the movie comes out i am  going to see it without the thought of   'thats not what orcs look like' i'm going going to see it with an open mind to whatever he has to offer in this movie.