The LOTR Movie Site February 11, 2001 Arwen, Arwen, Arwen! Why is
Everything About Arwen? AAAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHHH!!! Listen, I'm sure Liv Tyler's a
great lady and all, but this is just not right! What's up with Arwen suddenly having 50
billion things to do in the movie. In the books all she did was meet the travellers at the
Last Homely House and become Queen of Gondor. Now she's fighting a battle? Does this mean
they're taking out the twins (Elrohir and Ellendar)? And Glorfindel no longer meets them
at the Ford? What's up with P.J.! It's bad enough taking out Bombadil and Maggot, but if
he's going to take so many parts away, why does he have to make Arwen's so much bigger?!
I'm sorry, but that's not right. I'm sure, our poor Eowyn's a big disappointed. |