The LOTR Movie Site
March 5, 2001The Nazgul at Weathertop
Paul B.
I don't believe the Nazgul retreated at Weathertop in any
sense of defeat. They fall back because they believe their goal for the attack - the
stabbing of Frodo with a Morgul-knife - has been achieved. The effects of this, Gandalf
tells Frodo in Rivendell, would have been to make Frodo a wraith, 'only weaker and under
their [the Nazgul's] command.' Remember that Frodo hesitates when Glorfindel tells him to
fly at the Ford - he can he hear the Ring-wraiths calling. He can even see them without
having to put on the Ring. They do not have to take the Ring, he will bring it to them.
The reason the Weathertop attack fails is because the Ring-wraiths (and Sauron)
under-estimated the resilience of a hobbit to a Morgul-knife. Gandalf states that he knows
of 'strong warriors of the Big People who would quickly have been overcome'. The
expectation was that Frodo would succumb in a few days, a week at very most. Yet he
carries around a splinter in his shoulder for nearly three weeks!
As for the use of the word 'Elbereth' Aragorn states that the name is deadly (though I
suspect not in the literal sense!) to the Witch-king. It is interesting to note that on
Weathertop Frodo calls out 'O Elbereth! Gilthoniel!', whereas at the the ford he says 'By
Elbereth and Luthien the Fair you shall have neither the Ring nor me'. Any
eleven-lore/language experts know the different effects that these two phrases might have?
Aaron, where does Gandalf state that the witch-king was not at Weathertop. It seems fairly
certain from the description of the Nazgul who stabs Frodo ('and on his helm was a crown')
that this was indeed the Witch-king. The next morning Aragorn refers to that 'dreadful
King'. And, at the Council of Elrond Gandalf states that after his fight with the Nazgul
on October 3rd he manages to draw off four of them, though they broke off pursuit and
instead headed for the ford. For this reason the Hobbits and Strider only have to face
five of the nine. Gandalf does not however elaborate on the identities of the four who
chased him.
I think it highly unlikely that the Witch-king feared one of the Nazgul taking the Ring
for himself. For one thing, if there had been any possiblity that any of the Nazgul could
desire and take the One Ring for himself, I doubt Sauron would have sent them. In any case
this is completely impossible. The Ringwraiths wear their nine rings (for mortal men
doomed to die) and are thus under the complete dominion of the One Ring. One Ring to rule
them all? |