The LOTR Movie Site
March 19, 2001Novelization? Noooo!
Chad G.
Well, I've been one of the people more open to change in the
movies. And part of the reason for this is that even if there are a lot of changes
to the movies, people will still be compelled to read Tolkien's original, people who
otherwise might never have bothered!
But HOW DARE they produce a novelisation of the movie! I'm certain it will be much
shorter and easier to read than the originals, and so will be much more appealing to those
of lesser minds.
This, my friends, could spell the end. I can only hope and pray that this is just a
misunderstanding, that this is in fact a new release of the original novels, with new
covers, and maybe illustrations from the movies. In fact, thank heavens, this is
probably more likely.
I know what I'll be praying for tonight. |