

The LOTR Movie Site

March 9, 2000

Helm's Deep Adventure
Johnny Grindlay

Last Friday at about 2 O'clock I went out to the Helm's Deep set.
We(my Dad and I) climbed up the hill behind the set to try and get a better view of the castle. It took us about an hour to get to a place where we could actually see the set. We had a really good view of the whole entire set & buildings that weren't visible from the road from by a big pine tree. I wanted to see if I could get a glimpse of the filming   so I could write a few articles. So we sat down for about an hour watching them prepare for filming.

When they were about to start filming we heard someone coming   towards us through the bush. We were wondering whether it was someone else watching the filming or a security guard. We heard him talk in to walkie talkie and then we knew it was a security guard. He came over and asked us what we were doing and we told him that we were just watching the filming. He then asked us if we had a camera and we told him we did, then he asked us if we had taken any photos we told him we had. Then he rang up the management or someone like that on his cellphone and told her that he'd found some people up on the hill and that they had taken photos, but had been co-operative in handing over the film. She then spoke to my Dad and she offered to reimburse us for the film. I then gave the security guard the film and he wrote down our names and address and phone number.

He then spoke  to the lady again and said that if we signed a confidentiality agreement we would get given a tour of the Helm's Deep set at a later date. We went down to the Security post where we signed the agreement and they gave us each a hot cup of tea. Then we got given a ride back up to where we had parked our car then we drove home.