

The LOTR Movie Site
April 13, 2000

Miscellaneous Sean Bean News
Matthew Bass

I received the following from Nona today:

First off - North Americans -- Sean is appearing in a series of ads for Acuvue contact lenses on US television. So far there are three scenarios -- one a straight narration with Sean onscreen, one where Sean is looking at a painting, and one where Sean is shooting a high tech bow and arrow at a

I'm not sure if this ad is also showing on UK television.

And -- just a reminder -- Monday April 17th is indeed Sean's 41st birthday -- he was born in 1959, not 1958 as some sources mistakenly state. Please do visit The Compleat on the 17th to see festive decorations :))

Sean's feature film Essex Boys is apparently going to be released in the UK in mid-July.