The LOTR Movie Site
July 17, 2000

Wojciech Kilar Interview

Today "Gazeta Wyborcza" (the biggest newspaper in Poland) published a big interview with Wojciech Kilar (questions was asked by Jacek Szczerba). Here i the last paragraph, most interesting for me (and all Tolkien fans, I think). First in Polish, then my translation to English.


JSz: Napisze Pan muzyke do kreconego wlasnie "Wladcy pierscieni" Petera Jacksona wg Tolkiena?

WK:  Nie  wiem.  Rozmawialem  z Peterem Jacksonem pare razy. Powiedzialem mu, ze w polowie tego roku skoncze msze. On wtedy: "To ja zadzwonie w polowie roku". Jest juz polowa roku. Zobaczymy, jak bedzie. Wyobrazam sobie, co sie dzieje wsrod hollywoodzkich agentow najslynniejszych kompozytorow. Jak zabiegaja o ten film. Budzet "Wladcy pierscieni" urosl juz do 200 mln dol.

Chcialbym tego i nie chcialbym. Boje sie okropnej ilosci roboty. Poza tym mam w planach pisanie symfonii. Scenariusz jest jednak swietny, za to ksiazke Tolkiena czytalo mi sie teraz dosc ciezko. "Wladca pierscieni" to beda trzy filmy. Jackson pytal mnie, czy chce zrobic muzyke do wszystkich. Odpowiedzialem: "Zrobmy na probe do pierwszego. Moze sie okaze, ze sa w nim tematy, ktore jak w 'Wojnach gwiezdnych' beda sie przewijac przez cala trylogie".


JSz: Will you write music for Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings" adaptation Peter Jackson is doing now?

WK: I don't know. I talked to Peter Jackson several times and I told him that in the middle of this year I'll finish the oratory (1) I'm writing now. It's middle of the year now, we'll see what happen. I see in my imagination the rush that is going on in the ofices of the agents of the greatest holwywood composers, how are they trying to get that ontract. The "LotR" budget is now about $200 millions, you know. (2)

I'd like to and I wouldn't like to. I'm afraid of amount of work it reqiures. Besides, I'm planning to write a symphony. The screenplay is great, even if the book was a little hard to read now. "Lord of the Rings" means three films, Jackson asked me if I'll write the music for all three. I answered "Let's make the first one for a try and then see. May bye there will be some themes reccuring throught all trilogy, just like in "Star Wars".

(1) I'm not sure of this term -- in Polish it's "msza".
(2) I don't know what $ Kilar was talking about -- US, NZ or some other.