Ain't It Cool News
December 16, 2000

There and Back Again: A Geek's Adventure in Middle Earth
Harry Knowles

(Note: Click here to read Harry's first report.)

This morning I awoke from the dream that was yesterday. Looking out my window at the harbor below… ships coming and going… a museum down below. I stumble out of my bed, and walk over to my computer to take a look at what is going on in the world I left behind for Middle Earth… Bush is President… Posters for PLANET OF THE APES and HARRY POTTER have come about online. I see reports from BUTT-NUMB-A-THON have been coming in… and all I can think about is getting back to set.

I was supposed to wait for a car, but I can not weight anymore. I call a cab and tell them to head out on the highway towards the stone quarries. I tell him, I want to goto the LORD OF THE RINGS set… As we drive I’m taking in the vegetation upon the drive… Amazing the different types of ferns, shrubbery and trees… Dollops of some red flowers atop a tree here or there… A dense tropical world.

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