The Atlanta Journal Constitution
December 26, 2000

Fantastic Development: 'Lord of Rings' Trailer
Staff Reporter

Hollywood --- Fantasy meets reality when New Line premieres the teaser trailers to its The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, attached exclusively to prints of its '60s Cuban Missile Crisis drama, Thirteen Days.

Days, starring Kevin Costner as a top John F. Kennedy aide during the tense 1962 nuclear standoff with Cuba, opens nationwide Jan. 12.

The adaptation of the first installment of J.R.R. Tolkien's fantasy trilogy, Lord stars Elijah Wood as lead hobbit Frodo, as well as Sean Astin, Ian Holm, Ian McKellen and Cate Blanchett. Budgeted at $150 million, the film will spawn a series of Marvel action toys for its holiday release in December 2001.

The official Lord site will also be relaunched Jan. 12 in multiple-language formats. New Line will post The Lord of the Rings theatrical poster online.