The LOTR Movie Site
March 15, 2001

News From Around the Web
Matthew Bass

Well, I'm back (pun not intended) and I have a fairly good vacation. There is a lot of catching up to do, though, so let's start with some general news.

First, I have some news regarding this site. Banner ads from our new ad network have started rotating on the site. Feel free to report any problems you might experience. Also, I'll have tons more news updates later tonight.

Now on to the good stuff.

Modern Humorist has some funny "spoilers" posted at their site. Keep in mind that these are in the style of our rumors here at this site. They are not true:

Christopher Lee was on French television on March 8th. Khad sent in a report regarding what was said:

On Tuesday, March 8th, Christopher Lee was on the French TV show "Nulle Part Ailleur" on Canal+ (a French TV channel). He spoke very well in French. He said that The Lord of the Rings was one of the books which impressed him a lot. When he was young, he said that it was a dream for him to play on the movie. He used to think that this would be impossible. He was very impressive indeed and appeared to be very wise and Saruman-like.

Be sure to return a favor for Khad and visit his Tolkien site.

Sierra's online multiplayer game a la Ultima Online (titled Middle Earth Online) was thought to have been scrapped long ago, but Michael Martinez from has a different view, as well as news to back it up:

Uh-oh. The Tolkien family may not be as happy about Jackson's film version of Lord of the Rings films as was previously thought. Imladris has the scoop:

Electronic Arts is reportedly going to be developing several Lord of the Rings video games. They have already obtained production rights: