Sci-Fi Talk
April 19, 2001

Brad Dourif Talks Rings
Staff Reporter

Brad Dourif Talks Lord Of The Rings On Sci-Fi Talk

Brad Dourif participated in a Press Conference at ICON 20 discussing Lord Of The Rings. He talked about working with his co-stars and Director Peter Jackson. The versatile actor also discusses his roles in Star Trek Voyager and the Chucky Child's Play horror film series. The program is repeated three times during a ten hour programing block.

Brad Dourif
Sci-Fi Talk

RealAudio (693K)

GNP Soundtracks Featured At Sci-Fi Talk

I wanted to add something more than lots of talk to my webcasts, so sf soundtrack music seemed the natural way to go. Currently featured are the soundtracks from:

Lexx: The Series
Robocop Prime Directives
Frank Herbert's Dune

More will be featured in the coming months.

The Broadcast schedule can be found at the link below.

Schedule Page:
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Home Page:

Tony Tellado