June 23, 2001

Houghton Mifflin Cashes In on LotR
Staff Reporter

The publisher Houghton Mifflin is planning on re-releasing the Lord of the Rings in time for the movie, in-fact he has already released a biography of tolkien. And re-released a one book version of The Lord of the Ring as well as Unfinished Tales, a young adult versoin of The Hobbit, The Felloship of the Ring Visual Companion and not suprisingly "The Lord of the Rings Official Movie Guide". When questioned as to whether he was attempting to cash-in on the LotR movie he replied: "We don't want to look like slathering opportunists who see there is a movie coming,'' Harper says. "Then again, fortune favors the prepared publisher."

Editor's Note: Thanks to Planet Tolkien for this article!