The Shire Post September 22, 2001 Shire Post News
Update: A House Fire Greetings to all the members of the Shire Post message board. I occasionally send out a email to let everyone know about certain events. Taking place. Of course this weekend is The Long-Awaited Party! Sept 22, the birthday of Frodo and Bilbo. The real-world party taking place here in Arkansas is going to be quite something. A couple of our members were planning to travel quite a ways to attend the party. I just found out That Iris and Olo Moss of #6 Brookshade Close, Bindbale North Farthing will not be making it because of a house fire on tuesday. (I'm talking real world here, not fantasy) Everybody got out alright, but they lost everything. I thought it might be nice if several of us were to send Shire Post letters of condolence. For this purpose I will waive the postage and fees. For the next two weeks I will gather any letters that come in for Iris and Olo and send them all together. Just send the letter to me here at the Arkansas address inside another envelope. Address the inner envelope to: Iris and Olo Moss and I will affix stamps and all the rest to get them to their destination. Send no money or stamps. All fees are waived for this. On Saturday October 6th I'll take whatever has come in and send them together. If you want to participate, please send one in soon! Thanks for supporting our community! Will Whitfoot, Postmaster/Mayor |