Tolkien Online October 22, 2001 The Great Chocolate
Cake Once upon a time it was announced to all the world that a group of ambitious cooks and kitchen helpers would come together to bake the greatest chocolate cake in the world, a cake to rival the famous Starfish cakes of Master Warsawsky and Master Treck. The cake was to be based on a famous recipe that had for decades been one of the most popular and the most beloved recipes among the common people, even though it was for years considered not refined enough to be studied in Departments of Nutrition Science. Now the fans of the original recipe, commonly known as Cake-heads, were overjoyed. But soon doubts arose in the community. Many people were afraid that the Head Cook, who had previously done mostly spicy foods, would not give the recipe the faithful treatment it deserved, but bow to the tastes of the hamburger-eating public. |