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February 2, 2002

In Response to Arwen Note of 1/30
Chris B.

One of the problems with replacing Arwen for Glorfindel is that he (Glorfindel) is said to have lived both in Middle Earth and the Blessed Realm and only such who have seen the light of that realm could have no fear of the Nazgul. He is among the few chosen to search for Frodo and company for just this reason. Arwen is the granddaughter of Galadriel so she can't have been one the original elves who first came to M.E. Plot wise, her introduction there doesn't really add much to any one's understanding of her role as Aragorn's betrothed, or a major force of power, as is revealed later. It could wait, while having here be a sword wielding warrior lessens her role as one of the wise. Which is not a bad thing and not worth sacrificing to in a PC effort to draw in women viewers. I did not, by the way, like the movie.

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