- Lord of the Rings movie news, photos, rumors, and more


March 16, 2006


I have to agree with Annatar about the use of imagery in the holy book. Few years ago, I was a lost soul seeking guidance so I joined a religious group, it was founded by nonnes and priests, very nice people. Anyway, once a week we would gather to talk about the bible and one of the priests explained to us that we do not have to take everything literally, they were just images. So the priest explained the meaning of it all and we could share our point of view, what we liked or disliked. They were very open people! Because let's face it, I've read some things in the bible that shocked me!

Also we all seem to forget one thing: translation! The books were written years after Christ's death, it has been translated all over the world for generations and generations. Plus humans tend to modify texts for their advantages, they understand what they want and interpret in their own way causing faults in the stories.

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