- Lord of the Rings movie news, photos, rumors, and more


January 21, 2007

No PJ?

How can this be? Indeed he mangled a bit the story but I agree Annatar, he did a good job. Who do you think will take the job? The pressure on that joe will be strong...I'm affraid that "The Hobbit" will not be as good as we all hope if Jackson is not involved...I guess we will have to wait and see.

No Everett, still don't have a job but I have started a program that will (hopefully) help me find a decent job. I think that this forum is very slow, I too noticed that nothing has been posted for a month...numerous times I have submitted a message and it got posted about two weeks later...perhaps there is a minimum of messages that has to be sent in order for the system to post them.

Well happy new year all and take care!


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