- Lord of the Rings movie news, photos, rumors, and more


April 30, 2007

A new reason to be ill

I thought watching twitterpated couples was the only reason to become ill... apparently the slaughter of my favorite books is too. Blech.

The Hobbit is more kid friendly, but by Joe it's not THAT kid friendly!

If someone besides PJ makes it, I don't think I'm watching it.

A musical? Shoot me!

And what in the world does he mean by "maybe a more kid friendly story" Doesn't he know? Don't tell me the man hasn't read it?

I can't read the article, so it's hard to say...

Alright, I can't think of anything else to say... so back to homework in the love soaked air of this college. If you don't hear from me again... I drowned in all the sap.

-F. A.

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