- Lord of the Rings movie news, photos, rumors, and more


April 25, 2002

The Latest News at Mithril
Adam Dawson

We are proud to announce our next release, Helm's Deep 2. Details of this release can be found on These are the second release of our new LT series, orders are now being accepted, delivery will commence in May.

Our 54mm Lord of the Rings figures can still be seen on these have been very popular since their introduction, so if you have not checked these already do so now! This range will continue with two more releases planned for this year.

The Mithril Fellowship members club has been a special part of Mithril Miniatures since our inseption in 1987. During its existence many of our Collectors have availed of the special 'Fellowship only' miniatures that were produced plus, have had access to many of our very limited edition pieces. Despite the fact that the Fellowship in its original format, no longer exists we have been continually inundated by requests for membership. For more details check out

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