Open Polls:  Closed Polls:  
What is your favorite music in the LotR trilogy so far?
The music that plays whenever the Shire or hobbits are mentioned
 [tally] 1593
The music that plays whenever someone does something heroic
 [tally] 1224
Gollum's song
 [tally] 943
"May it Be"
 [tally] 992
The high-pitched elfey music that plays whenever Gandalf or Haldir die
 [tally] 1759
The music that plays when Rohan is mentioned
 [tally] 1742
The music that is played in connection with Mordor
 [tally] 585
Music that is played in connection with Orcs/Uruk-hai.
 [tally] 717
votes: 9555 Polls