Open Polls:
Should be revitalized?
How does King Kong compare to LotR?
Who should have carried the Ring from the beginning?
Where should Peter Jackson film The Hobbit?
What was the scariest part of RotK?
What is the most awesome weapon in Middle Earth?
Which character did you miss most in FotR and TTT?
Who looks best in his armour?
Closed Polls:
So... you've seen Return of the King! What's your verdict?
Are you going to see RotK in costume?
What is your impression of Annie Lennox's song "Into the West?"
Which scene are you most anxious to see in RotK?
Which character from the book do you think is most likely to be left out of RotK?
Which animal do you most look forward to seeing in RotK?
What do you plan on checking out first in the TTT DVD this August?
Is Sir Ian McKellen's idea to film The Hobbit as a TV mini-series a good idea?
Which special item do you most look forward to see in RotK?
What do you look forward to seeing most in Return of the King?
What is your favorite music in the LotR trilogy so far?
Where should Peter Jackson film The Hobbit?
New Zealand
Great Britain
Hollywood, USA
North Carolina, USA